About us
- Our organisation
- What we do
- Corporate reporting
- Locations
Strategic priorities
- Sector Outcomes Framework
Strategic Roadmap 2022–28
- Foreword
- Approach to strategic reform
- Key terms
- Where we’ve come from
- What lies ahead
- Our commitment to you
- Our vision of success
Our strategic priorities
- Priority one: Work with Victorians to understand and reduce the risk of emergencies
- Priority two: Strengthen our use of data, analytics and intelligence to improve decision making
- Priority three: Support communities to be prepared and recover well after emergencies
- Priority four: Build a sustainable emergency management workforce that represents the people it serves
- Priority five: Strengthen governance arrangements to improve accountability, cooperation and participation
- Strategic Action Plan overview
- Where to from here?
- Acronyms
Strategic Action Plan 2023–26
- Ministerial Foreword
- Emergency Management Commissioner Foreword
- Executive Summary
- Strategic Action Plan (SAP): Priority one
- Strategic Action Plan (SAP): Priority two
- Strategic Action Plan (SAP): Priority three
- Strategic Action Plan (SAP): Priority four
- Strategic Action Plan (SAP): Priority five
- Implementation Monitoring of the SAP
- Acknowledgements
- Acronyms
- Current projects
- Careers
Emergency Management Planning
Emergency Management Planning Resource Library
- Victoria’s emergency management planning framework
- Functions of SCRC, the EMC, SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs
- Membership of the SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs
- Meeting frequency of the SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs
- Chairing the SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs
- Submitting and accessing agenda items for the SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs
- Providing administrative support to SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs
- Document templates for the SEMPC, REMPC and MEMPCs
- Contacting the SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs
- Sub-committees and working groups
- Collaboration across boundaries
- Municipal Council roles
Emergency management plans
- Sub-Plans of SEMP, REMPs and MEMPs
- Resources to inform development of an emergency management plan
- Contributor roles
- Guidelines
- Template for emergency management plans
- Consultation of emergency management plans
- Assurance of emergency management plans
- Approval of emergency management plans
- Publication of emergency management plans
- Review and update of an emergency management plan
- Urgent update of an emergency management plan
- Complementary plans
- Victorian Emergency Management Planning Toolkit for People Most at Risk
- Acronyms and definitions
- Resources links
Emergency Management Planning Resource Library
State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP)
Roles and Responsibilities
- Mitigation
- Response
- Relief
- Recovery
- Role statements
- Acronyms
Agency Roles and Responsibilities alignment to Victorian Preparedness Framework
- 1. Planning
- 2. Community Information and Warnings
- 3. Operational Management
- 4. Intelligence and Information Sharing
- 5. Public Order and Community Safety
- 6. Building Community Resilience
- 7. Fire Management and Suppression
- 8. Fatality Management
- 9. Critical Transport
- 10. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- 11. Impact Assessment
- 12. Search and Rescue
- 13. Health Protection
- 14. Health Emergency Response
- 15. Relief Assistance
- 16. Environmental Response
- 17. Economic Recovery
- 18. Natural and Cultural Heritage Rehabilitation
- 19. Built Recovery
- 20. Social Recovery
- 21. Assurance and Learning
Roles and Responsibilities
- SEMP Sub-Plans
- Road Crash Rescue Arrangements
- State Emergency Management Priorities
- Emergency Management Operational Communications Program
- Victoria’s warning system
- Incident management
- Consequence management
- Standards
- Managing emergencies
- Bushfire shelter options
Emergency Management Planning
How we help
- Emergency Recovery Resource Portal
- Community
- Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA)
- Resilient Recovery Strategy
Disaster Recovery Toolkit for Local Government
- Understanding disaster recovery
- Recovery readiness: preparation for recovery before a disaster
- When disaster strikes: the first days and weeks
- Beyond disaster: the months and years ahead
- Council business matters: meeting the organisational challenges of disaster recovery
- Regional recovery networks
- Engaging the community in disaster recovery
- Recovery tools and other resources
Emergency management capability in Victoria
Victorian Preparedness Framework
- Victorian Preparedness Goal
- We all have a role to play in emergency management preparedness
- Consequence management
- Using risk to determine scenarios for assessing capability and capacity
- Introducing Victoria’s 21 core capabilities
- Core capabilities and their critical tasks
- 5 core capability elements
- Better prepared, together: How the Framework is beneficial to our work
Victorian Preparedness Framework
- Grants and Awards
- Resilience
Reviews and Lessons Management
- Lessons management framework (EM-LEARN)
- Learning as One – Victoria’s page for lessons
- Emergency Management Operational Reviews
Operational Reviews
- Review of Community Bushfire Warnings
- Somerton Tip Fire
- Community response to bushfires during 2012-13 fire season
- Fire Management at Landfill Sites
- Goongerah-Deddick Trail Fire Review
- Kentbruck Fire Review
- Loch Sport Operational Review
- Mt Ray Boundary Track Review
- NuPlex Chemical Incident
- Port of Portland Emergency
- Stewarton Fire Review Community Report
- Tabard Review
- Tostaree fire review
- TriTech Lubricants factory fire
- Westmeadows Grassfire Review
- Yarra Valley Grammar
- Volunteers
- News
- Publications