Extreme fire danger is forecast for large parts of Victoria on Thursday 26 December (Boxing Day). Leaving early is always the safest option. Stay informed at emergency.vic.gov.au (External link)

Victorian Preparedness Goal

The Victorian Preparedness Goal is:

“A safer and more resilient community that has the capabilities to withstand, plan for, respond to and recover from emergencies that pose the greatest risk.”

This Goal is the foundation of the Framework, and it seeks to represent all Victorian communities, Victoria’s First Peoples, community groups, networks, businesses, individuals, households, visitors to Victoria, government, and non-government organisations, along with the emergency management sector.

The emphasis on resilient communities aligns with the concept of preparedness as a shared responsibility, where effective mitigation, planning, preparedness, response and recovery activities are dependent on all of Victorians working together in emergencies.  

Emergency management capability model

Emergency management capability model shows how the Victorian Preparedness Goal is the foundation of the Victorian Preparedness Framework’s process for assessing capability and capacity.

6 steps surround the framework goal “A safer and more resilient community that has the capabilities to withstand, plan for, respond to and recover from emergencies that pose the greatest risk.” They are:

  1. Use risk to determine scenarios for assessing capability and capacity.
  2. Evaluate required capability elements (p.#)of core capabilities.
  3. Estimate current capability.
  4. Identify capability gaps.
  5. Identify sources of additional capability and capacity.
  6. Leverage capability via available means.
Emergency management capability model

Assessing our capability and capacity 

To ensure effective and efficient emergency management, it is fundamental that the core capabilities are tested.

Levels of capability are measured through determining if Victoria can deliver on its capability target. This is done in the context of the developed scenarios.

By comparing reported levels of capability with the capability target, gaps may be identified. These gaps can then drive priorities, planning and decision making into the future as we work to close or manage the gaps identified. The 5-step process to assess capability and capacity table outlines how to assess capability.

5-step process to assess capability and capacity

Step Summary


Evaluate the capability elements required to deliver each capability target.

What is required to deliver each target?

(see Process for determining capability targets).


Estimate the capability elements currently available in Victoria to deliver each capability target.

What is currently available in Victoria to deliver each target?


Explain the gaps identified for each capability target.

Identify what is missing.


Identify where additional capability and capacity is available to assist with identified gaps.

Where else is agreed capability available? (Including state, interstate and international agreements, arrangements and supporting relationships; additional expected volunteer capability).


Select and describe the most significant areas to leverage capability through partnerships or other means.

Where could capability be leveraged in the future?

Process for determining capability targets

A capability target is a desired outcome.

How to estimate or determine a capability target table describes how to estimate or determine a capability target. By combining the impacts and desired outcomes (steps 2 and 3 below), a capability target can be developed.

The targets are aspirational and based on evidence-based, high impact, most plausible scenarios. They provide a common approach for the sector to understand the requirements for emergencies and are a tool to identify what the community, businesses and other organisations could provide, so Victoria is better prepared for major emergencies.

How to estimate or determine a capability target

Step Step Summary Example


Select which capability to estimate

Choose the:
a) core capability
b) critical task and
c) scenario.

a) Core capability 14: Health Emergency Response.
b) Critical task 14.5: Undertake and coordinate patient transport.
c) Scenario: Hazmat emergency.


Identify impacts

Identify the impacts from the scenarios related to the critical task.

18,275 ill/affected, with approximately 6,289 requiring transport.


Consider desired outcomes

Consider the desired outcomes that are being aimed for.

Within 60 minutes after the establishment of an Emergency Management Team (EMT), a Patient Distribution Plan is developed, and implementation commenced within 15 minutes.


Develop capability requirements

Combine the impact and the desired outcomes to develop the capability target.

Develop a Patient Distribution Plan within 60 minutes of the establishment of an EMT, to manage up to 6,289 patients.

Within 15 minutes, commence implementation of the Patient Distribution Plan to transport identified patients as required.


Repeat Steps 2-4 for all 8 scenarios

The scenario that resulted in the highest capability requirements across all scenarios becomes the capability target for that particular critical task.


Using this process, capability targets have been prepared in consultation with emergency management agencies[1]. The capability targets assist the sector to understand its own capability and capacity requirements and provides an opportunity for the sector to look at optimising community, business and government capability and capacity for mitigation, planning, preparedness, response, and recovery for emergencies.


End notes

[1] The capability targets prepared through this process are not distributed widely, as a widespread knowledge of each target may encourage respondents to provide aspirational responses when undergoing an actual assessment of a particular core capability. The capability targets are held by Emergency Management Victoria