Strategic priorities

To meet future challenges, the emergency management sector has committed to: 

  • building its capability,  
  • strengthening its workforce, and
  • ensuring governance arrangements are clear, effective, and well exercised.  

This commitment will enable the sector to prepare Victoria for future emergencies and is outlined in more detail in the following key documents to guide sector investment and priorities. 

Emergency Management Sector Outcomes Framework (the Framework) 

The Framework is a companion document to the Strategic Roadmap. It takes the outcomes stated in the Strategic Roadmap and breaks them down so they are specific and measurable so we can track our progress and make sure we’re on the right path.   

The Framework will allow us to understand what’s working and what’s not; so we can adapt, improve and continue to prioritise our investment and resources where they’re needed most. 

Strategic Roadmap for Emergency Management in Victoria 2022-2028 (the Roadmap) 

The Roadmap’s priorities explain how we will focus our attention to achieve the outcomes in the Framework. Together, they create a pathway for us to meet future challenges and achieve what we need to.  

The priorities give government, communities and businesses a focus for our collective effort and are supported by strategic actions. The actions explain what the sector will do and are set out in the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan (SAP). 

Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan 2023-26 (SAP) 

The SAP 2023-26 is the emergency management sector’s forward work plan and outlines who will be doing what and by when to deliver on the Framework and in accordance with the Roadmap.     

The SAP for 2023-26 explains what steps the emergency management sector will take to help make communities safer and better prepared for emergencies.