Extreme fire danger is forecast for large parts of Victoria on Thursday 26 December (Boxing Day). Leaving early is always the safest option. Stay informed at emergency.vic.gov.au (External link)

Better prepared, together: How the Framework is beneficial to our work

The language of capability and capacity that is used within the Victorian Preparedness Framework is intended to be a common language across all preparedness work in Victoria.

The following case studies are examples of how the Framework has been used to improve awareness of emergency management preparedness in Victoria and paves the way for making more educated decisions around resource allocation into the future.

Case Study: Emergency Management Capability and Capacity Project

In May 2020, Victoria’s Emergency Management Capability and Capacity Project agreed to a mixture of three assessment methodologies to assess the Framework’s 21 core capabilities:

  • maturity assessments
  • physical assessments
  • exercise/real event assessments.

The Fire Management and Suppression core capability’s physical assessment has been the first of the 21 core capabilities to be assessed using the process outlined in this Framework. It applied the Heatwave/Bushfire scenario, with Country Fire Authority (CFA) as the coordinating agency. The gaps identified in this assessment are useful for the planning of all agencies that conduct activities in relation to this core capability, making it a far-reaching resource.

In a similar fashion, the Operational Management core capability’s physical assessment used the Foot and Mouth disease scenario, with Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) as the coordinating agency.

The Fatality Management physical assessment is the next to progress, with Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine as the coordinating agency. This assessment is using a high consequence product transport (HAZMAT) scenario for its assessment.

The Search and Rescue core capability assessment is also underway, with both Fire Rescue Victoria and Victoria Police coordinating it, using the earthquake scenario.

Following the lead of these first four assessments, the remaining core capabilities are due to be completed using a mixture of the three methodologies, until all 21 are assessed. This creates a baseline to compare a future round of assessments against.  

Case Study: State Emergency Management Plan

As the sector’s planning tool to prepare for emergencies, the Framework has been used in the development of the State Emergency Management Plan, which was initially prepared in 2020. The SEMP’s critical task tables map agency roles and responsibilities (as found in agency role statements) to the Framework core capabilities and critical tasks, and vice versa, agency role statements are aligned to critical tasks. The SEMP also aligns emergency phases to the Framework core capabilities.

Case Study: Regional Emergency Risk Assessments

In accordance with the National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines (NERAG) and ISO 31000 Risk Management Guidelines, risk assessments should be updated regularly to ensure they remain current, effective and the recommended priorities remain relevant. Completing risk assessments is addressed in the Planning Core Capability’s critical tasks.

In 2021, EMV secured funding through the National Partnerships Agreement to contract the development of a consistent methodology and facilitate Regional Emergency Risk Assessments (RERA) workshops across all eight Regional Emergency Management Planning Committees (REMPCs). As a result, a RERA was completed by each REMPC, with input from any agency subject matter experts that the REMPCs invited to participate.

The completed RERA are expected to be used by REMPCs to inform the Regional Emergency Management Plans (REMPs) at their point of next update, as well as to identify the need to create any specific sub plans and assist regions in prioritising and focussing on mitigation, response and recovery actions.