Extreme fire danger is forecast for large parts of Victoria on Thursday 26 December (Boxing Day). Leaving early is always the safest option. Stay informed at emergency.vic.gov.au (External link)

Contacting the SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs

State Emergency Management Planning Committee

The State Emergency Management Planning Committee secretariat can be contacted via emergencyplanning@emv.vic.gov.au (External link) 

Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee

Regional Emergency Management Planning Committees (REMPCs) can be contacted via the email addresses within the table below.

These email addresses will send an email to the REMPC’s Microsoft Teams channel and are visible to all REMPC members from that region. 

Table 3: Contact details for REMPCs.
RegionContact email 
Barwon South West REMPC 9adf9ece.vicgov.onmicrosoft.com@apac.teams.ms (External link)
Grampians REMPC ffdc7a71.vicgov.onmicrosoft.com@apac.teams.ms (External link) 
Gippsland REMPC 59ca234e.vicgov.onmicrosoft.com@apac.teams.ms (External link) 
Loddon Mallee REMPC 9ce4d1b7.vicgov.onmicrosoft.com@apac.teams.ms (External link)
Hume REMPC 304a20f6.vicgov.onmicrosoft.com@apac.teams.ms (External link) 
North West Metro REMPC cfaf1598.vicgov.onmicrosoft.com@apac.teams.ms (External link) 
Eastern Metro REMPC 15a92bb6.vicgov.onmicrosoft.com@apac.teams.ms (External link)
Southern Metro REMPC 3455c907.justice.vic.gov.au@apac.teams.ms (External link)

Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee

Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees (MEMPCs) are chaired by the municipal council. Correspondence can be directed to the MEMPC Chair, care of the relevant council.