State Emergency Management Planning Committee
For the State Emergency Management Planning committee’s paper templates, email (External link).
Papers are emailed to committee members approximately one week prior to each meeting.
Emergency Management Planning Committee
Anyone can submit items for Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee (REMPC) consideration.
Use this written report to the REMPC template to submit an agenda item.
Documents relating to a REMPC’s agenda are available to members on the REMPC’s Microsoft Teams channel.
Request access to the REMPC’s Microsoft Teams channel
Please select the relevant link below.
Note: this access requires an administrator to accept your request before access is granted. You will only be granted access if you have a legitimate connection with the REMPC. All other requests will be denied.
- Hume (External link)
- Gippsland (External link)
- Grampians (External link)
- Barwon South West (External link)
- Eastern Metro (External link)
- Southern Metro (External link)
- North West Metro (External link)
- Loddon Mallee (External link)
If you use Microsoft Teams in your day-to-day work, you will need to switch into the VicGov ‘tenancy’ to access the REMPC’s Team.
To do so, select your initials or photo in the top right of the Team’s screen (as pictured below) and then select ‘VicGov’.
Note: you will only need to do this/have access to this drop down if you already belong to another tenancy that is not the VicGov tenancy.
Figure 4: Teams tenancy setting location

Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee
The Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) agenda items are submitted and stored as determined by each MEMPC.