
Key terms Our collective ability to reduce the likelihood and consequences of an emergency.


The extent to which the core elements of capability (people, resources, governance, systems and processes) can be sustained before, during and after an emergency.


Groups of people in Victoria united by their geographical location, social networks, cultural heritage or common interests. People can belong to more than one community and they can be virtual.

Consequence management

The coordination of agencies to minimise the adverse effects of emergencies on people, communities, infrastructure and the environment. Safety considerations are paramount and if the emergency is due to a hijack, siege, riot, warlike act or act of terrorism, the exercise of police powers must not be interfered with. Consequence management informs strategic decision making before, during and after emergencies and is important for longer-term decision making after a major emergency. It also supports community recovery.


An event that is happening in Victoria, or about to, that could damage, endanger or threaten life, property or the environment. This includes earthquake, flood, wind storm, fire, explosion, road accident, plague, contamination, warlike act, terrorism, riot, or disruption to an essential service.

Emergency management

The arrangements, knowledge, measures and practices needed to mitigate, respond to, and recover from emergencies.

Emergency management sector

All the agencies, departments and other organisations or people who have a responsibility, function or other role in emergency management. 


Assisting individuals and communities affected by emergencies to achieve a proper and effective level of functioning.


The capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses and systems to survive, adapt and thrive no matter what kinds of chronic stresses or acute shocks they experience.


The physical equipment and assets needed for emergency management activities, for example, infrastructure, fleet, IT equipment, radios, communications equipment, consumables, plant and machinery resources and personal protective clothing and equipment.


Action taken immediately before, during and immediately after an emergency to reduce its effects and consequences on people, their livelihoods, wellbeing and property; on the environment; and to meet basic human needs.


Individuals (career or volunteer) who deliver emergency management functions in Victoria, covering mitigation, preparedness, response and/or recovery.