Natural and Cultural Heritage Rehabilitation core capability

Natural and Cultural Heritage Rehabilitation core capability

Protect natural values and cultural heritage values through appropriate planning, mitigation, response, and recovery actions to preserve, conserve, rehabilitate, and restore them consistent with post-disaster community priorities and best practices. This process is to be undertaken in compliance with applicable environmental and heritage preservation laws, along with consultation with all affected communities, including Victoria’s First Peoples and Traditional Owner groups.

Critical Task Table 18: Agency roles mapped to the VPF, by critical tasks within the Natural and Cultural Heritage Rehabilitation core capability


Critical Task 18.1: Identify natural heritage values and cultural heritage values at risk in affected areas, in consultation with all affected communities, including Victoria’s First Peoples and Traditional Owner groups.

AgencyActivityAdditional alignment to critical tasks
CMAAssess all river waterway damage that poses a threat to the stability of river systems11.118.2
DEECASurveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals - identify key ecosystems, biodiversity values and species that may require intervention when affected by an emergency1.1, 1.2, 11.2
Surveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals - provide scientific and technical advice to Lead Response agencies to minimise impact of the emergency event on high value ecosystems or species4.3, 4.4, 18.2
Surveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals - relief coordination of surveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals11.2, 18.2, 18.6
DPCSupport the protection and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage on public land3.2
PVRecovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to rehabilitate, restore and reinstate public land and tourism and visitor assets managed directly by PV from the agreed date of transition from emergency response to recovery, including:
*     recovery and rehabilitation of natural values, cultural values, tourism and visitor assets affected by an emergency on parks, reserves, rivers, waterways and local ports managed by PV (in collaboration with DEECA and DH)
*     clean-up following oil or chemical pollution incidents on parks, reserves, rivers, waterways and local ports managed by PV (in liaison with DEECA, or their agents, and the EPA)
*     clean-up of fish death incidents (in collaboration with EPA and DEECA)
*     assist with the recovery and rehabilitation of other public land affected by an emergency
*     and other water-based recovery actions affected by an emergency
16.7, 16.8, 18.4, 18.5

Critical Task 18.2: Undertake assessment of risk posed to natural and cultural heritage values, in consultation with all affected communities, including Victoria’s First Peoples and Traditional Owner groups.

AgencyActivityAdditional alignment to critical tasks
CMAAssess all river waterway damage that poses a threat to the stability of river systems11.1, 18.1
Lead agency responsible to develop and prioritise bushfire and flood recovery programs for CMA assets/waterways 
DEECASurveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals - develop response options for key ecosystems and species1.1, 1.3, 4.4
Surveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals - provide scientific and technical advice to Lead Response agencies to minimise impact of the emergency event on high value ecosystems or species4.3, 4.4, 18.1
Surveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals - relief coordination of surveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals11.2, 18.1, 18.6
EPAAs a technical support agency receive notifications for fish deaths, assess and triage reports, make interagency notifications, issue public information where required, and undertake a regional investigation with support of local agencies where practicable, to determine the likely cause of the fish death event before identification and transfer to the relevant agency for ongoing management.[4]2.3, 4.4, 4.5, 11.2, 18.4
PVSupport DEECA with the enforcement of regulations that relate to the safe use of campfires to protect the natural and cultural values of the PV estate and other public land, through the provision of trained authorised officers, and in accordance with the Parks Victoria Enforcement policy and procedures.3.2, 7.1

Critical Task 18.3: Coordinate and undertake stabilisation works on private and public land to remediate response actions.

AgencyActivityAdditional alignment to critical tasks
CFARecovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to replace essential stock and domestic water used during bushfire firefighting operation activities18.4
CMARecovery Support Agency (RecSA) to restore, clear and rehabilitate waterways managed by CMAs, and support DEECA and PV in their lead role of rehabilitating, restoring and reinstating public land and tourism and visitor assets DEECA or PV are directly responsible for managing to mitigate risks, as well as public land and assets CMAs are responsible for.18.5, 19.3
Support DEECA to deliver its recovery activities to restore impacts of river erosion where there is an immediate danger of the formation of river breakaways and/or immediate danger to CMA assets 
CouncilsCoordinate the clean-up activities for the disposal of deceased animals (domestic, native and feral) on council-owned or managed land18.4, 18.5
Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to undertake the assessment, restoration, clean-up and rehabilitation of public buildings and assets that are council owned and managed18.4, 18.5
Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to DEECA and PV to rehabilitate, restore and reinstate public land and tourism and visitor assets DEECA or PV is directly responsible for managing to mitigate risks 
Undertake erosion control on council owned and managed land to help manage risk to public safety, natural and cultural assets and values, and infrastructure18.4, 18.5

Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to:

  • DEECA for the co-ordination of waste service and asset reinstatement and return to reliable services
DEECASurveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals:
Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for wildlife and threatened ecosystems and species, and Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to develop and implement protection activities to support ecosystem recovery and regeneration
Melbourne WaterProvide emergency works to alleviate flooding and clearance of waterways and drainage assets after flooding has occurred 

Critical Task 18.4: Coordinate and undertake natural values rehabilitation works, in consultation with all affected communities, including Victoria’s First Peoples and Traditional Owner groups.

AgencyActivityAdditional alignment to critical tasks
CFARecovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to replace essential stock and domestic water used during bushfire firefighting operation activities18.3
CMAImplement bushfire and flood damage restoration programs for bushfire and flood affected waterways 
Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to support DEECA, EPA and PV in fish death clean-ups where the fish death event is due to natural causes, and where the CMA has the resources. The CMA will lead a local fish death clean-up and larger scale clean-ups depending on resource availability 
Support DEECA to deliver its recovery activities to implement balanced bushfire and flood recovery programs consistent with funding allocated19.5
Support response agencies through the provision of advice on emergency stabilisation and other activities to arrest river breakaways, and the removal of debris accumulation threatening structural stability of public assets in consultation with expert advice3.2, 11.3
CouncilsCoordinate the clean-up activities for the disposal of deceased animals (domestic, native and feral) on council-owned or managed land18.3, 18.5
Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to undertake the assessment, restoration, clean-up and rehabilitation of public buildings and assets that are council owned and managed18.3, 18.5
Undertake erosion control on council owned and managed land to help manage risk to public safety, natural and cultural assets and values, and infrastructure18.3, 18.5
DEECARecovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to lead fish death clean-ups in waterways on public land managed for non-commercial purposes by DEECA, where the fish death event is due to natural causes. Support agencies (CMAs, Melbourne Water, VFA – refer to Table 18: Natural Environment) will support fish death clean-ups where they have the resource capacity. 
Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to rehabilitate, restore and reinstate public land and tourism and visitor assets it is directly responsible for managing to mitigate risks, and support PV and CMAs to deliver these responsibilities on public land and assets for which they are responsible19.3
Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to support the resilience of public land assets managed directly by DEECA, PV and CMAs19.3
Wildlife affected by an emergency event, including marine and freshwater pollution - provide advice on appropriate management and release of wildlife from rehabilitation4.5, 4.6
Wildlife affected by an emergency event, including marine and freshwater pollution - rehabilitate wildlife following veterinary assessment and work in conjunction with rehabilitators 
Wildlife welfare arising from emergency events - rehabilitate wildlife following veterinary assessment and working in conjunction with rehabilitators 
Wildlife welfare arising from emergency events:
*     Relief Coordinating Agency (RelCA) for animal welfare
*     Control Agency and Relief Lead Agency (RelLA) for responding to wildlife welfare arising from an emergency event, including fire, flood and extreme heat. Response scope defined by individual hazard plans for the emergency type, including:
o Victorian Response Plan for Heat Stress in Flying Foxes
o Victorian Response Plan for Wildlife Impacted by Fire
*     undertake welfare assessments of impacted wildlife where safe to do so, consistent with endorsed hazard plans
*     ensure the veterinary assessment and treatment of wildlife taken into care
*     provide advice to government and emergency agencies regarding impacts of animal welfare for wildlife
*     inform and coordinate animal welfare organisations, volunteer groups or community groups wanting to contribute as required
3.1, 3.2
DJCSCommunity Corrections Services can support in the clean-up and restoration of communities, including waterway restoration, weed eradication, large-scale tree planting, countering soil erosion, rubbish collection, fence maintenance and other community projects18.5, 19.4
DPCRecovery Support Agency (RecSA) for the protection and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage places and values on public land affected by emergencies and associated activities18.5
EPAAs a technical support agency receive notifications for fish deaths, assess and triage reports, make interagency notifications, issue public information where required, and undertake a regional investigation with support of local agencies where practicable, to determine the likely cause of the fish death event before identification and transfer to the relevant agency for ongoing management.[4]2.3, 4.4, 4.5, 11.2, 18.2
Melbourne WaterLead the delivery of the following recovery activities - mitigate immediate short-term further public health risks associated with waterways and drainage networks where damaged from third-party events/emergencies (e.g. water run-off from structure fires) through recovery efforts18.6
Lead the delivery of the following recovery activities - support the recovery and rehabilitation of areas directly impacted by the failure of Melbourne Water’s assets or systems3.2, 17.4
Lead the delivery of the following recovery activities fish death clean-ups where the fish death event is on a water corporation managed water body. 
Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to DEECA, EPA and PV to support fish death clean-ups where the fish death event is on a Melbourne Water managed catchment area and where the fish death event is due to natural causes. It is at Melbourne Water’s discretion to lead a fish death clean up at a regional or state scale. 
PVRecovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to rehabilitate, restore and reinstate public land and tourism and visitor assets managed directly by PV from the agreed date of transition from emergency response to recovery, including:
*     recovery and rehabilitation of natural values, cultural values, tourism and visitor assets affected by an emergency on parks, reserves, rivers, waterways and local ports managed by PV (in collaboration with DEECA and DH)
*     clean-up following oil or chemical pollution incidents on parks, reserves, rivers, waterways and local ports managed by PV (in liaison with DEECA, or their agents, and the EPA)
*     clean-up of fish death incidents (in collaboration with EPA and DEECA)
*     assist with the recovery and rehabilitation of other public land affected by an emergency
*     and other water-based recovery actions affected by an emergency
16.7, 16.8, 18.1, 18.5
Water CorporationsLead fish death clean-ups where the fish death event is on a Water Corporation managed water body at a local or regional scale. 

Critical Task 18.5: Coordinate and undertake cultural heritage values rehabilitation works, in consultation with all affected communities, including Victoria’s First Peoples and Traditional Owner groups.

AgencyActivityAdditional alignment to critical tasks
CMARecovery Support Agency (RecSA) to restore, clear and rehabilitate waterways managed by CMAs, and support DEECA and PV in their lead role of rehabilitating, restoring and reinstating public land and tourism and visitor assets DEECA or PV are directly responsible for managing to mitigate risks, as well as public land and assets CMAs are responsible for.18.3, 19.3
CouncilsCoordinate the clean-up activities for the disposal of deceased animals (domestic, native and feral) on council-owned or managed land18.3, 18.4
Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to undertake the assessment, restoration, clean-up and rehabilitation of public buildings and assets that are council owned and managed18.3, 18.4
Undertake erosion control on council owned and managed land to help manage risk to public safety, natural and cultural assets and values, and infrastructure18.3, 18.4
DJCSCommunity Corrections Services can support in the clean-up and restoration of communities, including waterway restoration, weed eradication, large-scale tree planting, countering soil erosion, rubbish collection, fence maintenance and other community projects18.4, 19.4
DPCRecovery Support Agency (RecSA) for the protection and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage places and values on public land affected by emergencies and associated activities18.4
PVRecovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to rehabilitate, restore and reinstate public land and tourism and visitor assets managed directly by PV from the agreed date of transition from emergency response to recovery, including:
*     recovery and rehabilitation of natural values, cultural values, tourism and visitor assets affected by an emergency on parks, reserves, rivers, waterways and local ports managed by PV (in collaboration with DEECA and DH)
*     clean-up following oil or chemical pollution incidents on parks, reserves, rivers, waterways and local ports managed by PV (in liaison with DEECA, or their agents, and the EPA)
*     clean-up of fish death incidents (in collaboration with EPA and DEECA)
*     assist with the recovery and rehabilitation of other public land affected by an emergency
*     and other water-based recovery actions affected by an emergency
16.7, 16.8, 18.1, 18.4

Critical Task 18.6: Establish recovery monitoring of natural and cultural heritage values, in consultation with all affected communities, including Victoria’s First Peoples and Traditional Owner groups.

AgencyActivityAdditional alignment to critical tasks
DEECASurveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals - relief coordination of surveying and protecting threatened ecosystems, native plants and animals11.2, 18.1, 18.2
Melbourne WaterLead the delivery of the following recovery activities - mitigate immediate short-term further public health risks associated with waterways and drainage networks where damaged from third-party events/emergencies (e.g. water run-off from structure fires) through recovery efforts18.4

Critical Task 18.7: Transition recovery services and programs to previous management arrangements.

AgencyActivityAdditional alignment to critical tasks
VFALiaise with control and support agencies for relief or recovery activities affecting the fishing or aquaculture industries3.2