Victoria to assist with Queensland cyclone response

12 March 2025

Yesterday, Victorian emergency service volunteers left for Queensland. Their task is to help with the flood and storm response after Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.  


More than 50 Country Fire Authority (CFA) and Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) members will help local counterparts to clear storm debris. They join an earlier 2 person deployment from Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) who arrived last week to assist with resource coordination ahead of the Ex-Tropical Cyclone making landfall on Saturday.  

Victoria’s Acting Emergency Management Commissioner (EMC), Tim Wiebusch ESM met the group at Melbourne airport to thank them. He also gave a special thanks to their employers and families who support them in their volunteer roles.

Tim is one of the state's most experienced emergency management professionals and will be a familiar face to many Victorians from his last role as Chief Officer Operations at VICSES.  

'Victoria will continue to provide the support when requested by our Queensland counterparts and balance this with Victoria's emergency response', said Tim.

During a busy summer of bushfires here, Queensland authorities provided personnel to support our response and recovery. Victoria is proud to return the favour as they respond to this emergency.