Extreme fire danger is forecast for large parts of Victoria on Thursday 26 December (Boxing Day). Leaving early is always the safest option. Stay informed at emergency.vic.gov.au (External link)

Chairing the SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs

State Emergency Management Planning Committee

The Emergency Management Commissioner is the chair of the State Emergency Management Planning Committee (SEMPC). 

Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee

Election of the Chairperson 

Section 55 of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013) specifies that every 2 years, or when determined by each Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee (REMPC), the members of each Committee must elect one of their number to be chairperson of that Committee. The REMPC Chair can be an ‘additional’ member that has been invited to the committee by the REMPC. 

Functions of the Chairperson 

Section 55 of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013) outlines the function of the REMPC Chairperson: 

  • chairing meetings of the REMPC 
  • facilitating the REMPC to perform its functions 
  • on behalf of the REMPC, providing information and recommendations to the Emergency Management Commissioner 
  • on behalf of the REMPC, providing information and guidance to Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees. 

In practice, the REMPC Chair: 

  • prepares the agenda for REMPC meetings 
  • chairs REMPC meetings 
  • attends Regional Collaboration Group meetings 
  • in many cases, REMPCs have also determined that the REMPC Chair be its State Emergency Management Planning Committee (SEMPC) representative.  

Note: It is not a requirement for REMPC Chair be the SEMPC representative. It may be another REMPC member.  

Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee

Election of the Chairperson 

Section 59B of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013) details that either the municipal council Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or a member of the municipal council staff nominated by the CEO, is to be the chairperson of the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC).

The legislation does not intend for elected councillors to be the chairpersons of the MEMPC. This role is to be fulfilled by the CEO or a designated staff member from the municipal council.

There is no defined tenure for the chair. The nominated representative will remain as chair until the municipal council chooses to swap their representative.

Functions of the Chairperson 

Section 59B(2) of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013) outlines the function of the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (REMPC) Chairperson: 

  • chairing meetings of the MEMPC 
  • facilitating the MEMPC to perform its functions
  • on behalf of the MEMPC, providing information and recommendations to the Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee for the region that includes the municipal district.