Regional Collaboration Group
The Regional Collaboration Group (RCG) is chaired by Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) with a membership of:
- Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee (REMPC) chairs and deputy chairs
- Local Government Victoria
- EMV personnel.
The RCG operates in a collegiate manner providing support, advice, and recommendations to:
- Emergency Management Commissioner (EMC)
- Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees (MEMPCs).
Matters for consideration by the EMC should be directed to the RCG in the first instance.
Individual REMPCs, MEMPCs or members of committees can still escalate matters to the EMC when necessary.
The RCG aims to:
- operate as a leadership support group and work together to identify and resolve emerging issues
- provide guidance to REMPCs or MEMPCs in an effort to resolve issues before escalation to the EMC
- allow REMPCs to effectively collaborate and engage with EMV’s Regional Emergency Management Operations Team to share skills, knowledge, and information in support of regional interoperability and improving emergency management outcomes for communities.
Documents relating to a RCG’s agenda are available to RCG members on the RCG’s Microsoft Teams channel.
Request access to the RCG’s Microsoft Teams channel
Access to RCG’s Microsoft Teams channel (External link)
Note: this access requires an administrator to accept your request before access is granted. You will only be granted access if you have a legitimate connection with the RCG. All other requests will be denied.
If you use Microsoft Teams in your day-to-day work, you will need to switch into the VicGov ‘tenancy’ to access the RCG’s Team.
Note: this access requires an administrator to accept your request before access is granted. You will only be granted access if you have a legitimate connection with the RCG. All other requests will be denied.
If you use Microsoft Teams in your day-to-day work, you will need to switch into the VicGov ‘tenancy’ to access the RCG’s Team.
To do so, select your initials or photo in the top right of the Team’s screen (as pictured below) and then select ‘VicGov’.
Note: you will only need to do this/have access to this drop down if you already belong to another tenancy that is not the VicGov tenancy.
Figure 6: Teams tenancy setting location

Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee collaboration
A cluster of Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees (MEMPCs) may recognise there is a high proportion of shared issues, risks, and memberships.
They can hold a combined meeting to increase planning efficiencies and ease the burden for those who are representing more than one committee.
For example, MEMPCs may work jointly or in municipal cluster groups to develop common elements of their Municipal Emergency Management Plans. Each MEMPC is required to produce an individual plan which addresses their circumstances, needs, and risks.
Area of operations
The area of operations concept detailed within the State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) provides flexibility across all emergency management regions and encourages collaboration between regions as part of the planning framework.