Role statement - Safe Transport Victoria

Safe Transport Victoria

On 1 July 2022, Transport Safety Victoria merged with Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria to form a new entity, Safe Transport Victoria (ST Vic). ST Vic manages the accreditation and safety regulation for commercial passenger vehicles, buses and maritime vessels. 

As Victoria’s transport safety regulator, ST Vic: 

  • licences, certifies, registers and accredits operators and other industry participants 
  • monitors transport operators’ and participants’ systems for managing safety risks 
  • monitors compliance with transport safety legislation, and 
  • takes enforcement action as appropriate to promote safety outcomes in Victoria. 


ActivityCritical task alignment / activity source
Develop policy relating to the administration of transport safety legislation1.1, 4.5
Provide information, guidance and education that promotes awareness and understanding of transport safety issues1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 4.5

Participating agency for the following maritime emergency (non-search and rescue) mitigation activities:

  • legislation and enforcement (e.g. compulsory marine pilotage/exempt masters, Harbour master directions, safety duty (So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable) obligations of port manager, port operator, vessel operators, offshore facility operators etc.)
  • licensed, current and competent pilots
Table 8: Participating agencies for mitigation

Response (including Relief)

ActivityCritical task alignment / activity source
Control agency for maritime casualty non-search and rescue of all vessels in coastal waters excluding those in commercial and local port waters3.1, Table 9: Control agencies for response
Support Port management body or local port managers for maritime non search and rescue of all vessels in commercial and local port waters as requested 3.2
Liaise with relevant agencies following incidents and accident, including, VicPol, Office of the Chief Investigator (Transport and Marine Safety Investigations), Worksafe Victoria and DTP 3.2, 4.5
Provide advice and recommendations to the relevant Minister(s) on transport safety matters 4.5, 4.6
Receive notifications of notifiable occurrences/incidents/accidents in bus and maritime 3.2, 4.4


For recovery activities, refer directly to the agency for further information.

Assurance and Learning

ActivityCritical task alignment / activity source
Collect, analyse and report on safety data and performance4.4, 21.1, 21.2
Conduct safety audits of transport operators and determine compliance with safety requirements4.4, 21.1
Investigate and report on transport safety matters4.4
Investigate incidents and accidents for compliance with transport safety legislation and take enforcement action as appropriate4.4, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3