Victoria Police

The role of VicPol is to serve the Victorian community and uphold the law to promote a safe, secure and orderly society through preserving the peace, protecting life and property, preventing the commission of offences, detecting and apprehending offenders and helping those in need of assistance. Control and Coordination functions with respect to Emergency Management are outlined in the Emergency Management Act 2013 and the SEMP.


Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Build social capital and resilience in communities to prepare for a sustained recovery from extreme emergencies and natural disasters through providing information and education in the media and other means 

1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 6.1

Participating agency for the following bushfire mitigation activity:

  • fire ignition controls including fire danger period determination, total fire ban days and arson programs

Table 8: Participating agencies for mitigation

Participating agency for the following emergency pest plant and emergency animal disease mitigation activity:

  • state border control

Table 8: Participating agencies for mitigation

Response (including Relief)

Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Effective coordination of emergency response within regions and/or municipal areas for all emergencies

3.1, 3.23.3

Effective coordination of emergency response within the state, regions and/or municipal areas for class 3 emergencies

3.1, 3.2, 3.35.4

Responsible for:

  • evacuation – in consultation with the control agency and other expert advice

3.2, 5.2

  • provision of media coordination (where no other facility exists)
2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.5
  • traffic management – in consultation with the control agency and other expert advice
3.1, 3.2, 5.3, 9.3
  • registration of evacuees – in conjunction with ARC
3.1, 3.2, 4.5, 15.6

Control agency for:

  • Class 3 emergencies (as defined in the SEMP), including a warlike act or act of terrorism, hijack, siege or riot

3.1, 3.4, 5.4

Table 9: Control agencies for response

  • Incidents involving explosive devices


Table 9: Control agencies for response

  • critical infrastructure damage or disruption


Table 9: Control agencies for response

  • accidents or incidents involving road, rail, tram, aircraft and marine (not including marine pollution, cetaceans or wildlife)


Table 9: Control agencies for response

  • rescues on water, in mines or quarries, caves and road (as per State Road Crash Rescue Arrangements 2023)

3.1, 12.3

Table 9: Control agencies for response

  • search and rescue on land and Victorian waters, other than for ADF ships and planes

3.1, 12.1, 12.3

Table 9: Control agencies for response

Lead Response Support Agency (RSA) for the functional area of deceased person identification 

Table 10: Support agencies for response

Support other agencies in:

  • access to communications
3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 5.1
  • coronial investigations including disaster victim identification resulting from an emergency
3.2, 8.1, 8.5
  • dissemination of public information
2.1, 2.3, 3.1
  • provision of land, air and water transport
3.2, 9.2
  • provision of personnel
3.2, 8.3, 12.4

Relief Coordinating Agency (RelCA) for reconnecting family and friends, and Relief Lead Agency (RelLA) to operate Register.Find.Reunite in relief centres, enquiry centres or online

Table 12: Relief coordination


Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Assess, restore, clean and rehabilitate VicPol owned or managed buildings or assets (e.g. public amenities, station buildings etc.) 

3.1, 19.1, 19.2, 19.4, 19.7

Assurance and Learning

Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Through the RERC, ensure the RCT and REMT conduct an operational debrief, where necessary, after a period of activation


Through the MERC, ensure the Control Agency organises an operational debrief with support agencies as soon as practicable after response activities finish
