Telstra Corporation Limited

Telstra is a national telecommunications service provider for fixed line, internet, data and mobile services. Telstra’s main role in emergency management is to continue to operate, maintain and restore communication networks/infrastructure for responder agencies and impacted communities.


Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Maintain Business Continuity Plans which detail the response, relief, recovery and restoration steps to be taken prior to, during and following an adverse event


Identify sites that may be at risk and potential consequences of loss of asset 

1.3, 1.5, 19.1

Response (including Relief)

Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Provide network status information via an Emergency Management Liaison Officer (EMLO) as required

3.2, 3.4, 4.5

Maintain temporary replacement infrastructure such as backup power generators, ‘Cells on Wheels’ and ‘Mobile Exchanges On Wheels’ which can be deployed to affected areas

3.3, 3.4, 3.5

Provide supporting emergency communications facilities to response agencies on request from the SCC 

3.3, 3.4

Provide data and telephony services to relief and recovery centres where there is limited/no existing communications coverage, along with the deployment of mobile shopfront resources as and where appropriate 

3.4, 10.1

Un-meter customer access to key websites such as state fire authorities, emergency services, BoM, etc.

3.5, 17.5

Where appropriate, Telstra provide relief packages for Telstra customers 

15.4, 17.5


Activity Critical task alignment / activity source
Provide priority fault restoration of Telstra services for response agencies


Assurance and Learning

For assurance and learning activities, refer directly to the agency for further information.