Telstra Corporation Limited
Telstra is a national telecommunications service provider for fixed line, internet, data and mobile services. Telstra’s main role in emergency management is to continue to operate, maintain and restore communication networks/infrastructure for responder agencies and impacted communities.
Activity | Critical task alignment / activity source |
Maintain Business Continuity Plans which detail the response, relief, recovery and restoration steps to be taken prior to, during and following an adverse event |
1.3 |
Identify sites that may be at risk and potential consequences of loss of asset |
1.3, 1.5, 19.1 |
Response (including Relief)
Activity | Critical task alignment / activity source |
Provide network status information via an Emergency Management Liaison Officer (EMLO) as required |
Maintain temporary replacement infrastructure such as backup power generators, ‘Cells on Wheels’ and ‘Mobile Exchanges On Wheels’ which can be deployed to affected areas |
Provide supporting emergency communications facilities to response agencies on request from the SCC |
Provide data and telephony services to relief and recovery centres where there is limited/no existing communications coverage, along with the deployment of mobile shopfront resources as and where appropriate |
Un-meter customer access to key websites such as state fire authorities, emergency services, BoM, etc. |
Where appropriate, Telstra provide relief packages for Telstra customers |
Activity | Critical task alignment / activity source |
Provide priority fault restoration of Telstra services for response agencies |
Assurance and Learning
For assurance and learning activities, refer directly to the agency for further information.