Role statement - Department of Premier and Cabinet

Department of Premier and Cabinet

The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) support the Victorian Government’s commitment to a stronger, fairer, better Victoria by pursuing excellence in whole of government service delivery and reform. DPC support the ministerial portfolios of the Premier, Deputy Premier, and DPC Ministers as well as the Cabinet.

DPC’s mission is to support the people of Victoria by:

  • helping government achieve its strategic objectives
  • providing leadership to the public sector to improve its effectiveness, and
  • promoting collaboration across government to drive performance and improve outcomes.


Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Support government response prior to an extreme emergency


Coordinate with Commonwealth and state and territory First Ministers’ departments on a range of security and emergency management mitigation issues 

1.5, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6

Response (including Relief)

Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Support government response during an extreme emergency 

3.1, 3.2

Support the protection and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage on public land  

3.2, 18.1

Coordinate with Commonwealth and state and territory First Ministers’ departments on security and emergency response matters 

1.5, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6

Advise the Premier on his/her power to declare a State of Disaster 

4.5, 4.6

Advise the Premier on his/her responsibilities in requesting or responding to consultation from the Commonwealth on a National Emergency Declaration

4.5, 4.6

Provide information and strategic advice to the Premier, the SCRC, and relevant committees and sub-committees of Cabinet on whole-of-government:

  • security and emergency management issues 
  • response activities for emergencies 

1.5, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6


Activity Critical task alignment / activity source

Support government during recovery from an extreme emergency

3.1, 3.2

Coordinate with Commonwealth and state and territory First Ministers’ departments on recovery matters 

1.5, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6

Provide information and strategic advice to the Premier, the SCRC, and relevant committees and sub-committees of Cabinet on whole-of-government relief and recovery activities following emergencies 

1.5, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6

Support the protection and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage on public land

18.4, 18.5

Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) for the protection and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage places and values on public land affected by emergencies and associated activities 

18.4, 18.5

Table 18: Recovery coordination: Natural environment

Assurance and Learning

For assurance and learning activities, refer directly to the agency for further information.