Tim Wiebusch ESM is Victoria’s Acting Emergency Management Commissioner.
The Emergency Management Commissioner has responsibility for coordination before, during and after major emergencies, including the management of consequences of an emergency.
Tim is one of Victoria’s most experienced emergency management professionals, with a passion for emergency management and over 30 years of experience within government agencies.
Tim is an accredited State Response Controller and has extensive experience leading multi-agency and sector response to major emergencies, including during the 2019-20 Eastern Victoria bushfires, June 2021 floods and storms and October 2022 Victorian floods. Tim has worked closely with Emergency Recovery Victoria during relief operations along with supporting transition from response to recovery. He has also performed key emergency management roles during the COVID-19 response and as a State Controller for both cyber and energy emergencies.
He has held the role of Chief Officer Operations for Victoria’s State Emergency Service since December 2017, where he was responsible for overseeing the development of volunteer specialist capabilities, incident management capability, along with partnering with other agencies in Victoria and across Australia in preparation of multi-agency response plans.
Tim is a collaborative leader with a focus on people. He is a passionate supporter of volunteers across the emergency management sector.