
The Disaster Recovery Funding Assistance (DRFA) Claims Journey Map outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Administering Authority (Emergency Management Victoria) and the Assessing Authority (Regional Roads Victoria) in the management of DRFA Category A and B claims for expenditure incurred from the 2020-21 financial year. 

The Journey map has been aligned to the four-step Process for Natural Disaster Events and Claims to complete a fully compliant DRFA claim. In summary, the four steps are:

  1. A disaster occurs;
  2. Confirmation of a DRFA event;
  3. Information required to complete a fully compliant claim;
  4. Finalisation of the claim;

Claims Journey Map - First point of contact for key functions to DRFA claims

Assessing Authority - Regional Roads Victoria

Step 1

  • Step one process is completed by the Delivery Agency and the Administering Authority. 

Step 2

  • Following receipt of a DRFA Notification of Event form by the Administering Authority (for events that are estimated to meet the DRFA small disaster criterion or NDFA criteria), make contact with the impacted Delivery Agency within 7 working days to provide an upfront walk through of the DRFA claim process and requirements.

Step 3

  • As the main point of contact, maintain regular contact with the Delivery Agency following an event and have an awareness of the Delivery Agency claims in progress/draft. Facilitate the Delivery Agency to lodge claims throughout the financial year.
  • Review and recommend the certified estimate for essential public asset reconstruction works to the Administering Authority, ensuring that the estimate and supporting documentation is fully compliant.
  • Conduct regular site inspections including progress works site inspections & review of quarterly progress reporting for essential public asset reconstruction works.
  • Review Position Descriptions for additional positions required by the Delivery Agency and make recommendations in consultation with the Administering Authority. 
  • Receive and recommend the quarterly progress report prepared by a Delivery Agency and submit to the Administering Authority. Follow up with Delivery Agencies who have not prepared their quarterly progress report by the due date.
  • Consider eligibility questions and make recommendations to the Administering Authority.
  • Consider Extension of Time requests and make recommendations to the Administering Authority.
  • Receive, assess and make a recommendation on funding advance applications from Delivery Agencies to the Administering Authority.
  • Ensure that site inspections, training, and the assessment of certified estimates, claims and extensions of time requests are undertaken using a consistent approach and commentary across all Assessors.

Step 4

  • Review all claim documentation, complete the Validation Assessment Form with appropriate evidence notes and provide a claim assessment recommendation to the Administering Authority.

Additional support provided to Delivery Agencies

  • Conduct DRFA general awareness training and ad-hoc training as requested by the Delivery Agency. 
  • In the event of a significant disaster occurring, Chair progress meetings with the impacted Delivery Agency and invite the Administering Authority


Administering Authority – Emergency Management Victoria

Step 1

  • Receive notification of an eligible disaster event from the Delivery Agency.
  • Review event notifications received, issue Delivery Agency DRFA summary process sheet and notify the Assessing Authority.
  • Prepare and submit the notification of event form to the Commonwealth Government for an AGRN to be registered.

Step 2

  • Prepare a written notification to the Delivery Agency of the Commonwealth Government approved AGRN, which has the impacted local government area. The notification includes the conditions of funding for Emergency Assistance for Individuals, Emergency Works, Immediate Reconstruction Works and Essential Public Asset Reconstruction Works Estimates claims (and cc Assessing Authority).

Step 3

  • Prepare written approval of a certified estimate for Essential Public Asset Reconstruction works based on the recommendation of the Assessing Authority (and issuing approval letter & cc Assessing Authority).
  • Consider and assess funding advance applications received from the Assessing Authority (issue a decision letter and cc Assessing Authority).
  • Consider extension of time requests from the Delivery Agency once a recommendation is received by the Assessing Authority.
  • Provide final ruling on eligibility enquiries submitted by the Assessing Authority. 

Step 4

  • Reimburse claims following review and recommendation from the Assessing Authority. If questions arise from the review, refer questions/issues back to the Assessing Authority to address with the Delivery Agency.

General DRFA systems and processes 

  • Provide DRFA training and technical support to the Assessing Authority.
  • Respond to questions on the claims system platforms (Automated Claims Management System and Sharefile).
  • Maintain the DRFA guidance/template material development and updates on the EMV website including registered natural disaster events and key allowable time limits.
  • Provide general process correspondence (that is not claim specific eg. estimate updates, EoFY requirements).
  • Engage an Independent Technical Reviewer in line with requirements under the DRFA.
  • Respond to escalated issues for resolution from both the Assessing Authority and/or the Delivery Agency.

Commonwealth Engagement 
•    Maintain Commonwealth Government stakeholder relationship engagement and management.
•    Undertake quality assurance reviews and assurance activities including self-assessments of the assurance control framework.
•    Manage the annual audit engagement with State and Commonwealth appointed auditors.




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