SEMP Energy Sub-Plan


This sub-plan to the State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) outlines the Victorian arrangements to deliver a coordinated response to energy emergencies.


This sub-plan provides information about energy supply chains and infrastructure, risks and consequences of disruption, and the arrangements for energy emergency mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. This clarity about context, roles and collaboration between agencies enables an integrated and collaborative response to energy emergencies, minimises the likelihood and consequence of these emergencies, and supports community resilience.


The audience for this sub-plan is the Victorian Government and agencies, bodies, departments and other organisations within the Victorian emergency management sector that have an interest in the management of energy emergencies.  The audience also includes Commonwealth, state and territory governments, and industry stakeholders that have a role in managing energy emergencies.


This sub-plan provides strategic information about the Victorian preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery arrangements for energy emergencies, with a focus on major emergencies that disrupt electricity, gas or liquid fuel supply.

This sub-plan does not include detail about the operational activities of individual agencies. 

This plan does not describe or duplicate the arrangements to manage Class 1 emergencies, or the arrangements to mitigate, respond and recover from emergency events impacting energy infrastructure and supply chains that are not Class 2 energy emergency events.

Date of Publication


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