Delivering the sector’s vision of safer and more resilient communities

3 April 2023

To better enable the emergency management sector to deliver its shared vision of safer and more resilient communities, the sector’s Strategic Priorities have been released. 

The following key documents have been developed in close consultation with emergency management partners: 

Strategic Roadmap for Emergency Management in Victoria 2022-2028 (The Roadmap) (External link) 

Emergency Management Sector Outcomes Framework (The Framework) (External link) 

Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan 2022-26 (SAP) (External link) 

The Roadmap’s priorities explain how EMV will focus attention to achieve the outcomes in the Framework. These priorities give government, communities and businesses a focus for collective effort and are supported by strategic actions set out in the SAP. 

Emergency Management Commissioner Andrew Crisp said the strategic priorities will help achieve the sector’s shared vision of safer and more resilient communities. 

'As we move into a more challenging future for emergencies, now is the time to collectively set our strategic priorities as a sector,' Mr. Crisp said. 

'The Roadmap provides a reflection on emergency management experiences in Victoria over the last decade. It charts a path forward to ensure our sector and the Victorian community is well equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead and give the community confidence that reform and progress is being made.'

'It will also be key to the success of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from major emergencies in Victoria and will steer the vision, priorities, investment and actions for the Victorian Government and the emergency management sector,' he said. 

For more information visit Strategic Priorities (External link)