Victoria’s Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2017

The Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2017 provides an overview of the resilience of Victoria's critical infrastructure sectors.

The report highlights the importance of Victoria's critical infrastructure to every one of us.  Critical infrastructure provides Victorians with access to water, food supply, health services, energy, transport, communications, banking and finance and government services. 

All societies are challenged by emergency events.  The Report highlights the importance of building up critical infrastructure resilience, particularly in an environment increasingly subject to natural and human induced emergencies.  It details the resilience improvement initiatives completed during the year, and reviews the impacts of significant emergency events on critical infrastructure this year.  The Report also points to future key risks and proposed resilience improvement initiatives industry and government will complete to continue to strengthen resilience.  

As a result, Victoria is better placed to respond to future stresses and shocks on its critical infrastructure and to reduce the impact of and consequence from natural disasters and other emergencies on people, infrastructure, the economy and the environment.

The report highlights the close collaboration and partnership between industry and government, the strength of which is evident throughout the report.  As Victorians, we benefit from the expertise, contribution and commitment from critical infrastructure industry members working with government to help build the resilience of Victoria's critical infrastructure.



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