Membership of the SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs

The State Emergency Management Planning Committee (SEMPC), Regional Emergency Management Planning Committees (REMPCs) and Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPCs) are comprised of representatives from:  

  • specified government departments
  • agencies
  • municipal councils
  • other specialist emergency management agencies and stakeholders. 

 All of these groups are collectively referred to as ‘agencies’ in this Library. 

Committee nominees are:  

  • expected to have the authority to commit resources for their agency for emergency management planning purposes 
  • subject to regular agency protocols and approvals 
  • encouraged to escalate any topics or resourcing queries internally to ensure their agency are aware of and engaged in emergency management planning.

State Emergency Management Planning Committee

Membership of the SEMPC enables:  

  • state-level input from departments and agencies on emergency management planning
  • a state-level escalation point for:  
    • Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee (REMPC) 
    • Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) member agencies
    • other key agencies.

Membership of the SEMPC includes: 

  • Chair: Emergency Management Commissioner 
  • all legislated REMPC and MEMPC member agencies 
  • Municipal Association of Victoria 
  • Department of Premier and Cabinet 
  • Department of Treasury and Finance  
  • Emergency Recovery Victoria 
  • a representative nominated by each REMPC, representing the REMPC  
  • as an observer, the Regional Collaboration Group Chair  
  • Emergency Management Victoria staff relevant to emergency management planning 
  • as an observer, Inspector-General for Emergency Management. 

Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee

Regional Emergency Management Planning Committees (REMPCs) are responsible for maintaining a list of its members. Membership lists are on each REMPCs’ Microsoft Teams channel. 

The membership of each REMPC is detailed within Section 54 the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link).  

It is the responsibility of all REMPC members to contribute to the delivery of the REMPC’s functions. 

Table 1: REMPC membership
MembershipRequired to be nominated by
All Departments except Department of Premier and Cabinet and Department of Treasury and Finance Department head (Secretary) 
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner of Police 
Fire Rescue Victoria Not specified 
Country Fire AuthorityNot specified 
Ambulance VictoriaSecretary, Department of Health
Australian Red CrossNot specified 
All Municipal Councils within the region Chief Executive Officer
Victoria State Emergency Service Not specified 
Emergency Management Victoria Not specified 
At least one recovery representative Chief Executive Officer
At least one other representative The REMPC 

All REMPCs have adopted Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV) as an additional recovery representative.

The Inspector-General for Emergency Management has also been invited to attend REMPCs in an ongoing observer capacity. 

Induction Pack for new REMPC members

An induction pack is available to assist new members of REMPCs and is available via the button below.

REMPC Induction Pack

Term of REMPC membership

The nomination of a member to a REMPC is not a time limited appointment. Nominated members will continue in the role until the committee is advised by the relevant agency’s Chief Executive Officer or departmental Secretary.

Addressing vacancies

A REMPC must fill a vacancy in the membership of the Committee as soon as practicable  Ideally, an outgoing member will tell the REMPC Chair of their departure and confirm the incoming member. Also ensuring the required nominator supports this nomination. In some instances, a REMPC will identify that a member agency has no current member.

The REMPC may use the letter template to confirm membership due to non-attendance or the letter template to seek a replacement REMPC member if it is recognised that the existing member is no longer available (such as no longer working for the department or agency they are due to represent).

Requesting to become a REMPC member

New REMPC members may be added to the REMPC, however, most REMPCs are already large committees, and may choose to limit additional memberships.

Many agencies positively seek to be added to REMPC membership because of their interest and ability to contribute to regional emergency management planning. Instead, interested agencies are suggested to take part by becoming a member of a REMPC sub-committee or working group.

Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees

Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees (MEMPCs) are responsible for maintaining a list of its members. Membership lists are held in a location determined by each MEMPC.

The membership of each MEMPC is detailed within Section 59A the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013).

It is the responsibility of all MEMPC members to contribute to the delivery of the MEMPC’s functions.

Table 2: MEMPC membership
MembershipRequired to be nominated by
The relevant council or Alpine Resort Victoria (committee chair)Chief Executive Officer
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner of Police 
Fire Rescue Victoria (if relevant)Not specified 
Country Fire Authority (if relevant)Not specified 
Ambulance VictoriaSecretary, Department of Health
Victoria State Emergency Service Not specified 
Australian Red CrossNot specified 
Department of Families, Fairness and HousingNot specified 
At least one community representativeThe MEMPC
At least one recovery representative The MEMPC
At least one other representative The MEMPC

A MEMPC must fill a vacancy in the membership of the Committee as soon as practicable. 

There is no legal description for who the community representative should be in the EM Act 2013. There are instances where a MEMPC considers that an elected Councillor representative meets the requirement of a community representative. Other MEMPCs may include a community member representing a most-at-risk community.

Requesting to become a MEMPC member

New MEMPC members may be added to the MEMPC, however, most MEMPCs are already large committees, and may choose to limit additional memberships.

Many agencies positively seek to be added to MEMPC membership because  of their interest and ability to contribute to regional emergency management planning. Instead, interested agencies are suggested to take part by becoming a member of a MEMPC sub-committee or working group.

Liability of a committee member

To the extent that a person is preparing or approving an emergency management plan in their capacity as an employee or volunteer (including of a department, statutory entity, Victoria Police, a local council or the Australian Red Cross), and they engage in tortious conduct (such as negligence), their respective employer or the agency they volunteer with will be vicariously liable in most circumstances (i.e. responsible for any liability that may otherwise attach to the employee or volunteer). If the individual acted in bad faith or engaged in serious or wilful misconduct or was acting outside the scope of their duties under the EM Act 2013, they will not receive the benefit of any vicarious liability and will therefore be personally liable. Serious or wilful misconduct is a very high threshold, often involving some level of deceit, dishonesty, or criminal conduct.

Additionally, the State of Victoria has the discretion to indemnify any such employer and volunteer agency that is vicariously liable for such conduct. The State may also indemnify any individual who is not protected by vicarious liability. The State considers these indemnities on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the State’s Indemnities and Immunities Policy (External link), which is administered by the Department of Treasury and Finance.